Destiny 2

February 2025

  • Episode: Heresy is so far a banger!! Love the Nether activity.
  • Sundered Doctrine is very cool
  • we are so back


  • Wrote about The Final Shape, Salvation’s Edge, and other post-campaign stuff in my Media Recap 2024!

November 2024

Taking a break!

July 2024

June 2024

Looking at my fireteam member running down a long, dark hall lined with statues of hands.

May 2024


Emoting in Explicator encounter next to the rally flag, wearing all superblack.
luv 2 get wrecked by fire tornadoes
My warlock with the cat ears helmet, sitting surrounded by emote candles at the rally flag at Golgoroth.
sunshot week

April 2024

i’m going to clear 50 waves of legend onslaught or die trying

February 2024

Currently just vibing in this limbo period before The Final Shape. I log in every week to look at the store, loot the Vow secret chest in the swamp, and ponder completing my seasonal story missions. I play Iron Banner every time it comes around, and occasionally run the latest dungeon (as of writing this, it’s Warlord’s Ruin) if my friends invite me. Otherwise I’m on sabbatical.

When it’s peak season though, Destiny is very consuming. I like doing just about everything except competitive PVP (though admittedly, I also play zero gambit). I used to be pretty into endgame PVE, but lately I’ve been too lazy to keep up with buildcrafting and weapons, and I don’t farm stuff anymore. I’m just biding my time til the expansion now.

I’ve written more about it in my media recaps: 2023, 2022.

Older thoughts

I wrote this way back in like, 2021 or 2022.

My friends know I play this a lot. How do I articulate my obsession with it? It’s been an all-consuming game throughout the pandemic, and I’ve made a lot of friends playing it. I will try to explain.

My character taking a selfie with a thumbs up.
selfie in my first run of expunge labyrinth

A Brief Overview

Destiny 2 is a first-person shooter, set in space. You have space magic abilities, shoot lots of different guns, and can play cooperatively with friends or competitively with other players. There are lots of different activities to do, though they are all essentially about shooting alien enemies. Difficulty is added in the form of puzzle mechanics, platforming, time constraints, and tougher enemies.

Why do I like it?

Social Activities

In my opinion, Destiny is a superb social game. There’s always something to do, and everything can be done with friends. Most of the time, the activities you do are relaxed enough that you can hang out and shoot aliens together; in more challenging activities, you actively work together to complete them, which is also fun. But you can also play many things by yourself, which is relaxing.

Gunplay and Abilities

People often say Destiny’s ‘gunplay’ is good, which I think means that the feel or experience of shooting guns in Destiny is good. Destiny was the second shooter game I’ve played, so I don’t have much to compare it to, but I can say I do indeed enjoy shooting the guns. I didn’t think I would be interested in FPS games! But it turns out, I like it.

Destiny characters also use space magic (“abilities”), which are satisfying. I like blowing things up with grenades or shooting laser beams. It looks and feels cool.

Art and Sound Design

Destiny is a beautiful game. It’s set in space, so you’ve got a lot of different fantastical settings. The soundtrack is incredible, and elevates the gameplay. Guns all make different sounds, and they add to the overall experience.

Things I don’t like

Destiny isn’t without its flaws—a running joke among players is that they all hate the game despite having thousands of hours in it. And there’s a lot to dislike about the game!

  • It’s very grindy – the most challenging and rewarding activities are locked behind level requirements; to gain XP, you have to do a lot of other activities that are often neither challenging nor rewarding. Leveling resets every few months. Grinding specific rewards relies on RNG to get the thing you want—and sometimes you don’t.
  • Complicated, poorly explained mechanics – nothing in Destiny makes any sense unless you have a friend to explain it to you. Trying to get into the game is an exercise in frustration, because the tutorial/new player experience is abysmal.

I also used to make reference sites for it: