anhbot bot
Artist Trying to draw cities
Personal Touching grass
anhbot bot

anhbot bot
Artist Trying to draw cities

i post sketches in my sketchbook!
drawing is a lifelong hobby for me and i try to make this place somewhere i feel comfortable sharing unpolished, imperfect, or otherwise embarrassing stuff
Personal Touching grass

a new hope
hi there!
i’m anh, a designer and artist
this website is where i do silly web experiments and put all my personal content. it’s often experimental and messy so please pardon the dust!!
i try to blog with some regularity (mostly this is recaps), but have yet to organize my stuff in a more digestible manner. imo, i suggest:
- weeknotes 14, aka what if i copied the new yorker
- weeknotes 9 is comical
- media recap 2024 where i talk about stuff i enjoyed and also drew pictures
ok that’s all! thanks 4 visiting

I’m Anh (pronounced like ‘Ann’ and spelled like ‘Anh’), a designer and artist based in Canada. Currently, I design web things at a nice company.
Some things I do on this website:
- Write on my blog
- Track my changes on it (as one does)
- Record my media consumption
- Redesign it