Hourly Comic Day 2025

Comic strip. 9am: I wake up in bed ('ugh') next to an IKEA shark plushie, sit up, and sneeze. I've been sick since yesterday but am still testing negative for COVID. Cool! 10am: I'm sitting at my desk and looking at other people's comics, while drinking coffee and thinking 'I should go draw…' 11am: I'm sitting in front of the TV, watching the recent Destiny livestream, and sorting stuff on the coffee table. Two smaller panels show me feeling gross and sick, and appreciating my coffee machine.
12pm: I’m sitting on the couch, drawing my hourlies. Then I go fold laundry from two days ago, thinking about Marie Kondo’s optimistic attitude towards laundry, which is drowned out by my own thoughts of ‘fuck I hate this.’ 1pm: I wash dishes, and then reheat food on the stove for lunch. I’m eating congee, the food for the ill. No thoughts, head empty. 2pm: I vacuum, and then stand in front of my bookshelf and contemplate how to rearrange it to fit all these new books I have, which have been stacked on my dining table for the past month.
3pm: organizing my bookshelf. I’m holding a book and realizing that haha it’s another book I haven’t read. Crying and dead inside. 4pm: drawing hourlies. 5pm: napping and thinking about my partner, who I cancelled dinner plans with yesterday since I was sick. 6 to 8pm: this is just text that says ‘feeling zzz. More hourlies. Eat dinner.’ 9pm: sitting with my tablet, thinking ‘hmm. This is it.’ Too tired to continue. Goodnight!