Terra Nil

I pre-ordered Terra Nil and was super excited to play it when the full game was released.
A summary:
Terra Nil is an intricate environmental strategy game about transforming a barren wasteland into a thriving, balanced ecosystem. Bring life back to a lifeless world by purifying soil, cleaning oceans, planting trees, and reintroducing wildlife, then leave without a trace.
You place ‘buildings’/structures on the map and they transform the area around them. The game is very short—you can essentially clear it in less than five hours. It’s quite relaxing though. I played it on the lowest difficulty, which was easy enough that I could ignore the resource management aspect of the game. After blitzing through it, I think it’s the kind of game I would return to once in a while if I wanted to spend half an hour serenly clicking on things and watching the environment turn more and more green.
There is a little thinking involved, even without worrying about resource management. You have to place structures in a certain order or within range of other things. It’s not very challenging, though it’s probably the kind of thing I would forget and then have to re-learn if I don’t play for a while. Because of this, I would say it’s more involved than Dorfromantik, since having to remember all the structures means you can’t fully zone out while playing.
Overall, I recommend trying it if you’re interested in this type of game. It’s on Steam and also available on mobile through Netflix, if you already have a subscription.

Demo (January 2022)
My friend sent me this and I tried it out because the demo is free and it looks very relaxing.
- My first two playthroughs were somewhat stressful, because I was bad at resource management and that inhibited the building aspect of the game.
- Once I figured that out, it was a lot more enjoyable.
- Art is wonderful, interactions and sounds are satisfying. There are lots of details in the environment that make it lovely to look at.
- The core gameplay loop of ‘restoring’ the ecosystem and then recycling all the buildings is nice.
- I’m excited for the full game.