Hourly Comic Day 2022

Two comic strips, two panels each. First comic: 9am. My 9:30am, called 'wake the fuck up time' goes off. I go 'nah', snuggled under my blankets. Second comic: 10am. I watch the new Destiny trailer on my phone in bed, going 'omg.' Then I'm sitting at my desk, trying unsuccessfully to load into an old Xur instance due to a network error. I'm dejected.
11am: one panel where I sit at my desk and am surrounded by ironic celebratory ribbons and confetti, pronouncing me dead inside. Also, it's lunar new year. 12pm: I'm doing job applications, crying, and am dead inside.
1pm: flipping through my sketchbook and thinking, 'oh shit it's hourly comic day. How do I make my day sound interesting.' I have a lightbulb moment and realize, I should do some year of the tiger art. 2pm: Coffee number two time, in which I grow more powerful as I drink it like I have the jaws of a snake. But actually: I have post-lunch sleepiness right after. Nevermind.