
Tracking the changes I make to this website, mostly for my own reference. Major redesigns are also tracked in Past Designs.


Feb. 2

For smol.css, make heading 2 line-height: 1.35 (from the 1 of the default styling).


Nov. 30

Went and added a bunch of old stuff to the sketchbook…the organization/presentation isn’t perfect, but ah well! Archiving, not showcasing.

Nov. 14

Replacing twitter with bluesky…too bad my html is in disarray and i need to do it manually lol. will gradually get to all the twitter links.

Oct. 1

  • Finally finished a homepage update in time for halloween :') not as cool as I hoped but still cooler than everything else I never finished! I also tried to come up with a stupid pun to go along with it but sadly couldn’t. Might do a short writeup, though there isn’t much to say about it since it’s pretty simple.

Sep. 1

  • Updated about page personal section to include links to some suggested blog post readings. Eventually I’ll have tags/categories or make browsing better lol…
  • Added media image to homepage and changed its title back to just anhvn (from anh version noir) since it’s meant to act as a site-wide title rather than page title…

Jun. 24

  • Added back digital garden to my header nav. I kept having to scroll to my footer to access it which was a sign I needed it to be more easily accessed lol

Jun. 3

  • Changed bold text on noir homepage to be Tiempos Headline rather than Text

May 20

  • Removed breakout as being included by default in figgroup component. Went back and manually added this where it should be included.

May 6

  • Lol added back in my RSS tag to my homepage because I forgot to include it when I made version noir

Apr. 28

  • Added collection ‘pleinairpril’ under ‘sketchbook’ so I could compile all my paintings from it as individual posts. The collection page uses a modified version of my sketchbook layout.
  • Added video timelapses for some of them and used a <video> tag!
  • This isn’t that optimal yet but I’ll gradually improve it.
  • Decreased the amount of zoom on hover for sketchbook thumbnails…idk i may remove this entirely

Apr. 18

  • Changed the panel link labels (to my blog, etc.) in version noir to be visible, instead of hiding them behind a hover effect. idk. kind of disruptive to the comic flow as it is, but i don’t like that otherwise the links are hidden. i should come back to adjust this later.

Apr. 13

  • Removed duplicate date element on garden posts
  • Changed <mark> background colour to yellow

Apr. 4

  • Reversed the order of my ratings filters on the watchlist so it goes 5 star to 1 star

Apr. 3

  • Published: a new homepage – version noir 🚨🚨🚨 lol, this is fully Vibes > Making Sense. Will write about it later. I’m finishing this up with a headache and a vague sense of illness, so I’m blaming any mistakes on that.

Mar. 28

Mar. 17

Mar. 10

  • Added filters to my watchlist with list.js
  • Remove the dashed borders from my blockquotes and codeblocks…idk, I wasn’t feeling it anymore.

Feb. 11

  • Updated the past designs page to have the same styling as my media 2023 recap post

Feb. 5

  • Added spoiler tag styling where you click to reveal, like so
  • Added <mark> styling. I’ll need to go back and change where I used <em> for blockquote highlights…

Feb. 2

  • Added font-display: swap; lol

Jan. 28

  • Added a listening room page and swapped out my music links to go there

Jan. 18

  • Update music page styling to be rounded and to use colours from the media 2023 post

Jan. 13

  • Added support for OpenGraph meta tags…so far I’m manually enabling it by page (current count: 2)
  • Add RSS <link> tag

Jan. 9

  • Updated reading list styling to match the 2023 media recap page because I like it


December 27

  • Updated my digital garden to be sorted by last updated date (lol finally)
  • Changed <li> arrows to be red (from pink) because I didn’t like how pink arrows looked next to pink <h3> text, which happened quite often.
    • This red might be overpowering though if there’s a lot of list items…I’ve waffled on this a lot, we’ll see if I keep it
  • Added styling for <small> text, so I can use it in my vietnamese garden post to de-emphasize text. I need to add a custom markdown input rule soon to do this styling; I don’t think small is correct semantically and typing it out sucks.

December 22

  • Changed <h2> font to be the body font, rather than title

December 17

  • Updated about page to make it more round and removed borders to make it less Arc-like

December 16

  • Updated my about page to be dark mode, to match with the rest of the site

December 11

  • Published redesign 🚨🚨🚨 — version 6. Will do a write-up soon with all the details.
    • Later, still Dec. 11: some small tweaks here and there, mostly to do with spacing. Love how publishing something and showing it off will suddenly reveal all the things wrong that you didn’t see before.
  • Cleaned up old links and text on still-active pages (e.g. my archive of old homepages)
    • Removed out-of-date links to things like Twitter, old projects pages, etc. that I’ve retired
    • Removed references to be unemployed (lol) and the like
  • File cleanup and restructure
    • Changed blog slug from /journal to /blog
    • Archived old pages, files, failed projects, etc. Includes: timeline page (RIP)
    • Reorganized assets
    • Restructured CSS, posts archive…
  • Probably other stuff I don’t remember

November 5

Manually minified a bunch of huge images with tinypng. I need to figure out a way to automate this.

October 26

  • Reordered my site navigation
    • before: sketchbook, journal, media diary, garden, meta, about
    • after: blog, media diary, sketchbook, garden, meta, about
  • Updated my footer nav to match this
  • Renamed my blog page to ‘Blog’ (from ‘Journal’) (the slug is still /journal though)
  • Updated my past designs page to include current designs (oops the title is no longer accurate, oh well). Part of the reason is so I can better surface the process writeups I’ve done (in lieu of overhauling my blog page lmao that’s for another day)
  • Relatedly, added a punchline to the final comic on my homepage and linked it to the blog post

October 9

  • Updated my about page statuses:
    • personal: Playing Zelda → Playing outside after work
    • anhbot: Playing ‘links’ → Sharing their links
  • Reorganized my homepage nav: now it’s blog | media diary | about
    • Removed sketchbook because it’s neglected (I haven’t made a ‘sketches 2023’ page…sadge)
    • Renamed ‘writing’ to ‘blog.’ I initially labeled it ‘writing’ because I wanted to test out the word—my casual blogging didn’t feel worthy of being labeled as ‘writing,’ so I wanted to see if using the label anyway would help me be more generous with myself. ‘Writing’ is for people who write essays, articles, well-formulated works.
      • In any case, I think it’s too vague, and ‘blog’ is more precise.
      • I’ll revisit this if I ever pursue my lifelong dream of writing substantial things.
      • (The page is also titled ‘Journal’ right now, which I don’t love, but I’ll think more about that later.)

August 1

  • Added a ‘rewatch’ and optional status label to the watchlist

June 13

  • Removed photos from my header nav, in an effort to declutter
  • Added ‘activity statuses’ to my about page. Mostly because I ended up shoving some stray links into it because there’s no where else to put them (I know, this is messy) and wanted to indicate ‘here be links’ somehow. And also the ‘playing Zelda’ and ‘playing links’ is silly and pleasing to me, lol.

June 9

Spruced up my Past Designs page to look a bit nicer. Instead of being a blog post, it’s now pulling from—you guessed it—json entries about my past designs.

I was kind of stuck about how to go about designing it, and decided to just reuse my books page styling instead of staring blankly at my screen all night.

In retrospect, it might be nice to include my present designs as well (e.g. the comic homepage I have right now) for documentation purposes, so perhaps the Past Designs title needs to be updated, lol.

May 28

The concepts continue. I published a comic version of my homepage, which I’m calling ‘comic anhs’. It’s a few 4-panel comics introducing several sections on my website. It features the lovely handwritten font Poppy Fineliner by TYPEHEIST.

There was going to be more (as usual), but I am, once again, trying to practice done is better than perfect and letting this out into the wild instead of letting it collect dust.

As a homepage, this is far more incomplete than my previous version, but I’m accepting that.

This isn’t really related to my original comic thinking from way back (sigh) but it does scratch the itch of wanting to incorporate comics into my site.

I will try to write a blog post about this soon.

The previous version, bloop, is now archived. I’ll probably incorporate this concept into something else.

May 19

Published an about page that I had started two months ago.

It’s really an incomplete thing, but it’s been languishing for long enough that I feel compelled to just publish it. The concept is based on messaging apps—namely, Discord and Slack—where I introduce myself in different ways based on different contexts. There’s a lot more I’d like to do with this. I find writing about myself to be really hard, because how I introduce myself depends on the audience. So this is kind of a way of playing with that.

Lots to add to it, much more to polish, etc. etc.

Apr. 27

I wrote a quick, messy, incomplete review for 7 Seeds. I also imported over my bloop styles from the homepage to this post as a test.

I wanted to write a review, but I was struggling to write ~eloquently~, and decided to bring over the chat bubble style to see if it would unblock me. It did a little bit! But I’m still dissatisfied with the review, and this was a quick and dirty application of the bubbles.

I’ll come back to it and polish it up, so I can use it in more posts though :-)

Apr. 22

Trying something: I made a timeline page.

Currently I post WIP design stuff to twitter. I want to 1) document that content on my own site, and 2) post more WIP design stuff that I normally wouldn’t tweet because I don’t think it’s polished / noteworthy / interesting / etc. enough. On my own site, at least I feel more comfortable posting high volumes of garbage, because no one has to see it.

This is inspired/encouraged by: Jonnie Hallman’s activity page, the design group on Campsite (which is great, but here I also face the issue of wanting to only post ‘worthy’ things), the general shitpost whatever spirit of tumblr, the slow death of twitter, dribbble (‘what are you working on’), the idea of ‘working with the garage door up’ (via Andy Matuschak, who was in turn inspired by Robin Sloan), a compulsion to both Post and Curate, likely other sites with personal feeds I have come across but cannot recall (sorry!)

will this go anywhere? we shall see

Mar. 24

  • Added a 2023 Photos page. The layout is different: this time, it’s in a grid, much like Instagram. I wanted to try a more dense layout so I’d feel more inclined to post more photos instead of trying to curate.
  • Reordered the meta page to put this Changelog above Ethos, which feels less important. (or at least, less cared for)

Mar. 5

  • Condensed the media page layout to no longer be full-width. Vertical spacing isn’t quite there yet, but that’s a problem for another day.

Jan. 26

  • Added song lyrics to my music page. They’re only on a few scattered songs, which show up on hover. I wanted to make my music list feel more personalized, and what better way to do that than including snippets of melodramatic lyrics to really represent my soul
    • Sometimes I grow to like a song over time because of a particular line, so it’s nice to record that here; e.g. Be Sweet by Japanese Breakfast—so come and get your woman / pacify her rage
    • Eventually I’ll integrate it in a nicer way.
  • Also changed the font from the monospace Inconsolata to my site’s default Tiempos Text

Jan. 22

  • I added my NSFW sketches back to my sketchbook page. I’ve decided that 1) they’re really not that bad in terms how scandalous they are, and 2) I censored them anyway, and 3) I like them.


Dec. 17

  • Went back through my games 2020 post and added all of them to the games collection, so now they are immortalized instead of lost in the depths of my archive.

Dec. 16

  • Fixed my movie formatting because I discovered my aspect-ratio stuff to force square containers for my movie posters didn’t work in Safari, lol, lmao. I don’t even know.

Dec. 10

  • Add metadata to my game pages, like date played, status, and website links. I used to have this a while back but removed it when I redesigned.

Dec. 3

  • Edited the site colour scheme very slightly. My previous chat bubble homepage update used a modified palette that was tinted a little pinker than the rest of the site, and I’ve brought that over to the base styling now. It’s most obvious when you can see embedded screenshots showing the previous palette (for example)—this one is noticeably pinker.
  • Changed around where I put a darker background for header elements; e.g. sketchbook page now has a page header bg.

Nov. 25

Updated the homepage to be a cute messaging-style thing. I’ll write more about this soon but I floated the initial idea on twitter a few days ago. It’s still quite rough around the edges (I think) but that’s sort of the point.

My previous homepage has been archived.

Nov. 20

Published the ~digital garden~ as an unfinished compilation of notes. I kept putting it off because I wanted it to be more polished than it is, but whatever. My home, my garbage!!!

Nov. 17

  • This is so embarrassing to write, but I updated my homepage title from a fake small caps (text-transform: uppercase) to real actual small caps (font-variant: all-small-caps) lmao. I didn’t even realize it was the wrong one until I thought to check.

Nov. 12

  • Left-aligned text in the watchlist, instead of centered titles and justified text.

Nov. 11

  • Bumped up the body font size from 18 to 20px.
  • Left-aligned my blog posts. Previously the title and H2’s were centered, but this bothered me because it mixed with my left-aligned H3’s and paragraphs. I dunno. I wasn’t feeling it anymore. There are some other centered-aligned things (captions, horizontal rules) that I may change too later.
  • Removed text justification from blog posts as well. No more weird spacing!!!
  • Renamed the whole ‘design’ page to ‘projects.’

In the reading list:

  • Added a whole load of books to it from a few years ago that I had recorded in goodreads. I migrated (i.e. manually wrote json and copy and pasted) over all that info so it has a more permanent home. Now, the list is very long and unwieldy, so I need to start thinking about sorting/filtering and more compact styles.
  • Added an ‘excerpts’ capability, in case I ever want to include quotes and an accompanying note (e.g. for ‘Women Talking’)
  • Added ratings back in for where they’re present.
  • Changed the body font to Tiempos Text to match the rest of the site, instead of Poppins.

This whole process made me go wow, I really read a lot of books a few years ago (33 in 2018, 22 in 2019, and 2 in 2020. Lmao).

Oct. 9

  • Added an Ethos page, which just takes the words I wrote a long while back in my visual novel project. I figured it would be nice to have it more permanently stored.
  • Added an RSS feed! Thanks to the plugin eleventy-plugin-rss. Currently, it only contains posts from my Journal category. I’m unsure if/how I might implement feeds for my media diary or photo log.

Sep. 18

  • Changed the Design nav item to read Projects instead
  • On the Reading List, added a little footer linking to my other media pages, and a by recommendation of for books where a particular person inspired me to read it.

Sep. 9 (continued!)

Added tags pages. I used to manually create a small number of them, and then removed them during a past redesign. This time, they’re automated with the pagination feature.

I’m now reaching a volume of posts where more organization would be good, so I’ll probably keep tinkering with this.

Sep. 9

Adjusted my watchlist to support individual post pages. Currently, the list is just a bunch of JSON entries; if I wanted to expand on a particular entry, there wouldn’t be space to do it. So:

  • Create a new post type for media entries, which sits inside /media/watch/
  • Add a "url": "/media/watch/" line to the entries that I’ve written expanded posts for
  • Link that in the main watchlist, if applicable.
  • Example: made my first post with The Sandman

This was inspired by a couple of things:

  • I added a new ‘currently watching’ section the other week, but I wanted to be able to add my thoughts throughout the process of watching xyz show. Writing a review only when I completed the thing seemed too sparse.
  • I was thinking about this post on book clubs by James Somers, where he argues that the value in book clubs is in how you discuss the book throughout the whole process of reading it, not just at the end. Extrapolating this sentiment to TV—I think this makes a lot of sense, since there’s a lot of content, and my thoughts from episode to episode evolve. It would be a shame not to capture those.
  • I was also thinking about how fun it is to read reddit discussion threads after I’ve watched something, because it’s fun to read the reactions to specific things. It’s fun to see what a stranger thinks about something, because maybe you had that thought too. And so on.
  • When I stumble across someone else’s media diary, I look for works that I’ve also watched/read/etc., so I can see what they thought of it.

Anyway, trying to make it personal. My movie reviews feel pretty cold and unsubstantial, but I don’t want to encourage that.

Aug. 24

  • Added a ‘currently watching’ section to my watchlist.

Aug. 10

Aug. 9

  • Deleted a bunch of designTM content, because truthfully, I hated it. It is gone! Banished. Trying to restore this site to something I enjoy rather than begrudgingly populate.
  • Refactored some things. It’s still a mess. I talk about some of it in Markdown Optimizations.
  • Created my Media Diary page.

Jul. 11

  • Added a featured project to the design page, which is currently my site redesign.
  • Trying to figure out how to highlight what I want people to read. My redesign blog post is unpolished and not Fully Presentable Case Study, but I do want people to read it.
  • Floundering in dislike of my site design and wanting to redesign it again. As one does. But rereading my own post reminds me that I’m pleased with a lot of things about it, even if presently I’m unable to muster up those emotions.
  • ???

Jul. 1

  • Added a reading list.
  • Wrote a brief writeup about this.
  • Switched out the Games section with this reading list on the homepage.

Jun. 30

  • Added a Past Designs page, as a more abridged version of this changelog page. The emphasis is on big visual redesigns.
  • I’ll probably redesign this page (lol).

May 11

  • Another redesign!!! Published in a state of incompleteness, because I’ve been punting it around for too long and I just need to publish it at this point.
  • Light mode, once again.
  • Changed fonts back to Tiempos Text/Display (I must use the font license I paid for) and Inconsolata
  • Other credits: sparkle svg by Monika Michalczyk; syntax highlighting bastardized from Prism.js
  • Lots of stuff is still broken, mostly in the depths of my blog archive. Don’t look at it.

Mar. 11

  • Removed my visual novel from the homepage.

Mar. 1

  • Restyling. Changed to dark mode: green, pink, more green.
  • New typography: Be Vietnam Pro + Neue Machina + Space Mono.
  • Refactoring how I do some images. Change to <figure> from <div>. A lot of stuff is still in disarray. I’ll get to it.


Nov. 30, 2021

  • Fixed formatting on sketchbook section.
  • Started adding books to my media diary, as if I read books. Hahaha.

Nov. 29

Updated media diary page to fall in line with my layout, instead of doing a completely different page layout.

Struggled with getting a custom filter to work, to limit the number of items outputted from a collection. It seems that passing parameters with Liquid doesn’t work? I consulted this thread and ultimately assigned a new variable with a fixed filter.

Nov. 26

Restyle my design and journal pages to be a table list to allow for easier skimming, since the volume of Stuff is growing.

Nov. 21

Created my visual novel site. The normal site is still accessible. I wrote a long post about this. My journal list is growing, so now I’m considering restyling it into a more compact list to allow for skimming.

Nov. 19

  • Restyle the watchlist a bit, because the narrow columns were annoying me. I might make multiple styles to pick from for this page, since I keep flip-flopping between wanting text-only information density vs flashy large posters.
  • Start migrating my games content to its own collection.

Nov. 16

Pushed a new redesign. Not everything is polished, but what the heck.

  • New fonts. Old: Inter, Span, Odisseia. New: Tiempos Text and Headline, Hatton, Inconsolata. Unsure if I’m going to continue loading this many fonts.
  • Light mode!
  • Different header styling. I had to redo how I styled a bunch of containers, which revealed a bunch of shortcomings.
  • My spacing is messed up again. I think I need to figure out a different, maintainable way of doing this.

Nov. 5

Messing around with my media diary.

  • Designed a completely different media page that is probably bewildering to land upon.
  • Built out a simple music page, which pulls from a json data file, because I’m all about that now.
  • Considering changing up my site design again. Light mode??

Sep. 21

Add movie posters to my watchlist. Unsure if I like this or not. Restyled mobile views to make it non-ugly, and I still don’t like it.

Set the following in my config file, which solves my tagging problems. Lol.


Aug. 23

  • Added star ratings to my media diary using js. Idk, there’s probably a better way of doing this.
  • Highlighted current page in nav bar. Also implemented in a not very smart way.

Aug. 20

  • Added categories for the journal. Not really satisfied with this yet, because it relies on manually creating pages that pull from a specific tag. Also, not all my posts are categorized. Eventually, some stuff here will split off into more of a digital garden, once I figure out how to structure that.
  • Moved ‘watchlist’ notes out of the journal and into a media diary. Instead of creating a new post for each movie, this now pulls from a JSON file. I think this might be easier to manage since my entries will be short and frequent.

Aug. 11

Added back a sketchbook section, with different styling. I used to have a combined ‘artwork’ + sketches category, but I didn’t like it. I’m not satisfied with ‘artwork’ as a category to begin with, and dumping sketches in alongside more polished work felt out of place.

Aug. 4

  • Redesigned the homepage and blog archive list.
  • Removed a bunch of stuff from the nav while I revamp that as well.
  • Added a ‘notes’ category which is meant for more microblogging type things. Starting writing stuff about movies.
  • Added a photo diary post, to bring back my previous photo diary efforts.
  • Figuring out how to handle other journal posts that aren’t really journal posts.
  • Changed body font to Inter (previously Trade Gothic Next).

Jan. 31

I added a digital garden and moved my code reference page there. This is a static collection with normal posts in it.


Dec. 27, 2020

  • Added back an Artwork section, and put up some old art. This is intended to work as more of an archive rather than a “portfolio”—which means I shouldn’t be trying to curate it to show only the best stuff. But I do want to add some kind of filtering in the future. I removed the ‘sketchbook’ page.
  • I’m not sure if I should keep the art posts separate from their corresponding blog posts (if it exists) or not. I don’t like the duplication.
  • Changed the work page to a design page. I’m still dissatisfied with this though.
  • I changed some CSS that might have borked my vertical rhythm again. Haha.

Dec. 24

  • Added a References page. Initially it was to store boilerplate code (namely, an HTML page skeleton) and then I decided to add some CSS snippets, and then some links I frequently refer to.
    • Not sure if this will be useful yet—I’ve made this kind of reference page before a couple of times, and I ended up never using them. But we’ll see, if it’s moot again then I can just yeet it off my site.
    • (I’m trying not to overthink whether or not I should do something and just do it. And if it doesn’t work, then I can undo it. That’s the whole point of building this website myself.)
  • Not on this site, but: I changed my VS Code editor theme. It used to be Horizon and now it’s Base16 Ocean Dark Extended, which is the theme I used to use in Sublime a couple of years ago. It’s such a classic. I also changed my font from Consolas to Anonymous Pro. It feels very different and I’m not sure if I like it yet or not. I think my dislike of change is clouding my judgment, so I’m going to give it a week or so.
  • Changed my blog archive styling a bit. I wanted to add excerpts, but I don’t want to write useful excerpts. Haha. Another time.

In the more abstract: I added a few more lines to my homepage about the site and my plans with it. I saw this tweet today that made me think more about how I should truly personalize my site. I built it but it still does feel quite cold, because I don’t get very personal.

Building on this, I have also been looking at others’ personal sites. There were a couple of standouts I found that really emulated the kinds of things I want to do, and they also had acknowledgement pages that cited their inspirations and peers. And then there was just like, no women cited. So. I should just keep trucking along on this and not feel doubtful about whether or not this is “worth” putting out into the world, for the representation or whatever.

Dec. 19

  • Removed artwork section, moved the posts to Blog. I think I will eventually put an art section back but the posts currently fit better as regular blog posts.
  • Fixed my horrible vertical margin issues, which I hope are mostly resolved now.
  • Styled the <pre> block.

Dec. 13

  • Refactored the syntax for my post grid, in order to accommodate my newly migrated Seattle blog post which uses grid based on aspect ratios for images.
    • Priority: markdown/HTML that is easier to write, instead of verbose markdown/HTML and efficient css (wow this sounds horrible to type out)
  • My margin collapse status remains in disarray and I am pretending not to notice it

Nov. 14

  • Added swashes to page/post titles, which also required making them titlecase instead of my previous all-lowercase aesthetic.
  • Added artwork category and Drifter post
  • Refactored post markup to use css grid, based on this blog post. This unfortunately introduced a lot of spacing problems because margins no longer collapse, but I am too tired to deal with it today 🙃 the perk of this method is that my markup/markdown is less verbose, despite the more annoying css.

Nov. 7

Added support for a Table of Contents. This works by:

  • Setting toc: true in the post’s frontmatter
  • The npm plugin markdown-it-anchor adds an id to every heading tag based on its text (from this blog post)
  • Using JavaScript to pull all the headings on a page and generate a list with anchor links, which is inserted at the top of the post.

I updated my blog layout to be left aligned instead of centered, which allows for more space to be used for asides and the TOC.

Oct. 17

Added support for <aside> margin notes. This is a hacky implementation involving:

  • HTML: a wrapper div around the paragraph and the aside
  • CSS: absolute positioning the aside to display it in the margins

My original idea was using float: right on the <aside>, except this required that the aside come before the paragraph it referenced, which is semantically incorrect. I found this detailed post on sidenotes by Gwern Bran­wen that compares and examines how different sites do sidenotes.

I scrapped my initial goal of being able to sync up sidenotes/footnotes and decided to just go with asides as sidenotes that would exist relative to a paragraph, and footnotes would be used for reference links or more independent things not tied to a specific place in the text.

I’ll probably revisit this usage in the future as I add more blog posts.

In design notes, I swapped out green as a complementary colour and replaced it with lilac, and drew a little pixel controller for my migrated 2020 games post.

Oct. 13

Added a sketchbook page. Ideally this will be a dynamic collection that can serve as a canonical source for my sketches (or similar quick artwork).

  • why: I post these on social media, where it then gets lost over time. If I wanted to point people to some series of [whatever works] I made, there wouldn’t be a clean way of doing it (‘oh here are ten different tweets of mine’).
  • structure: I know from my previous ‘photo log’ attempt that having a new post per sketch/photo is too labourious, so it’s more sustainable to have a post containing multiple sketches.
  • content and metadata: each post would have a name and description. Each sketch within a post would have an img, alt text, and caption. A post can contain multiple sketches. Should a post ever contain only one sketch?
  • organization: How I’ll group things together will depend on how I anticipate I might reference them in the future. For example, my current Hades sketches collection seems more relevant than having an October 2020 sketches collection.
  • currently: my sketchbook page is just hardcoded HTML, because I wanted to get writing the markup out of the way. I’m thinking the structure would either be looping through a collection of posts, or pulling from a JSON file.

Added this site notes page. I wonder if it will be helpful to publicly record my thinking process behind things?

  • Unsure if this would work better as an actual collection of posts, rather than a static page I update—depends on how often I end up using this. If it keeps expanding with long blocks of text (like today’s log), then it might work better as proper blog posts.

Oct. 10, 2020

Launched! 🎉 I transformed my old static site of two HTML pages into an Eleventy blog. I had set up a dummy blog an entire year ago and then didn’t do anything, so I built on top of that. I migrated the one post I had on my old jekyll blog (RIP) that was somewhat presentable, and drew new tiny pixel art graphics.