Style Guide
- Blog post titles and headings: sentence case
- Digital garden titles: title case
- These titles are more precise
- Refrain from all-lowercase chill vibes as default. This should be a deliberate choice based on the topic.
- Single quotes, not double, except when there’s nesting involved. Then: double outside, single inside.
- Italicize: movie and tv shows, video games, books. TBD for music.
- When using the following structure:
- Bolded point form title of thing: Further description of it here, elaborating on whatever detail.
- If bolding, don’t bold the colon
- Lists: should I end items with a period, unless the item is a sentence fragment?
- This should end in a period.
- Not me tho
- Tbh I’m not sure about this rule, I keep breaking it as I write this very page, so I don’t think my intuition is working
- Might scrap it
- General idea: omitting ending punctuation conveys more informal, casual writing. A mild sense of uncertainty, or vs. the decisiveness of a period. Compare:
- Might scrap it
- Might scrap it.
- Chase McCoy
- Help